Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Subclinix - Demo 2011

Posting a demo here from Boston's SUBCLINIX, a band that I'm sure most of you should already have heard or heard about by this point, but due to all of the Mediafire bullshit last year has become inaccessible to anybody who doesn't own the actual cassette (myself, included). Fortunately, a buddy of mine leant me his copy so that I may rip it for myself and share it's contents with the rest of you slobs (thanks Harris).

So here it is, the SUBCLINIX 2011 demo. Four undeniably catchy punk tunes to play over and over and over and over again. I'm not going to bother stressing a long description in order to convince you to listen to this thing because frankly I'd rather go eat dinner and you could have listened to the whole thing by the time you read this post, so quit stalling and just listen to the fucking thing.

I apologize in advance for the quality of the rip, it's a little dodgy sounding but hey c'mon I try hard.


Nuke Cult - Join Or Don't

Sloppy, dirty, and ugly, Nuke Cult crawled out of the gutters of Kansas City, MO to bring us one of my favorite tapes of 2013. 5 stupid blasts of menacing punk drowning in feedback and echoing vocals (the likes of which resemble the sound of puking). Just imagine if Darby Crash came from another planet and sang for these songs. This tape goes well with Robocop 2 and studded things.